uvc equipment
ultraviolet light equipment c
Ultraviolet C light is a powerful germicide that can kill microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. It is important that the scenic spaces are disinfected since they are public places where the entrance and exit of people is recurrent. For this reason, as part of our RISK PREVENTION AND CONTROL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BIOLOGICAL RISK) we present UVC equipment, which will allow the elimination of different germs to be effective.
For the application of this type of ultraviolet light, it is necessary to know the power and the exposure time to which the surface must be subjected, the wider the environment, the greater the power of UVC light will be necessary.
STAGE BOX PROJECTS It has all the necessary resources to carry out a preliminary analysis of your spaces and thus determine what type of equipment you need, how many of them and how to apply them.